Freshman and Sophomore Years
- Help parents and students understand that colleges function under a law different than the IDEA legislation.
- Explain to parents and students that in college there is no IEP and that services and accommodations provided in high school do NOT automatically continue in college.
- Help students learn effective ways to disclose their disability if they want services or accommodations from the school.
- Explain to students and parents their legal rights and responsibilities, as well as the college’s legal rights and responsibilities.
- Familiarize students and parents with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Encourage students and parents to talk with college Disabilities Support Services Offices before graduation.
- Encourage students to be active members of their IEP team. Have them lead portions of their team meetings before they graduate from high school.
- Connect students with courses that will help them succeed in college.
- Help students know their disability, how it affects their learning, and what accommodations are available and will help.
- Help students choose appropriate assistive technology to increase their independence and participation in life-enhancing activities.
- Refer students to Vocational Rehabilitation in the fall semester of their junior year.
- At IEP meetings, highlight things students CAN do, with or without accommodations.
- Praise accomplishments. Discuss student needs in terms of being most successful in college or training.